Over 35 years of experience
Tailor made
CE is standard
BG Belt Grill Systems Pro-series (contact cooking)
HiTec FRYER-Pro Series TH/EH
Flattener System - Pro Series
Belt Grill - BG/AGT Eco-series (Contact Cook)
Linear Heat - LH-AGU Series (Aircook)
Watercooker - WTC/AGW Series (Pasteurizer)
WaterChiller - WTC/AGW Series
Cooling and Freezing Tunnels (multi-tier) Pro-series
Steamcooker - HSC
SpiralSystems - HSO (Spiral Technology, conveying systems)
The Contact Cooker and Related Foodsystems
The Contact cooker is an appliance used for searing and browning foods. The heat transferred between the food and heating elements is transferred directly. This type of cookware is perfect for meat, minced meat, and fish products. The cooking process is completely oil-free, leaving the product with a natural, delicious taste and appearance. The non-stick belt also makes it easy to remove the fat and grease without affecting the finished product.
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